How to get out of an MCA loan? | Delancey Street

Trapped in an MCA Debt Spiral? Here’s How to Escape

The Vicious Cycle of Merchant Cash Advances

You took out a merchant cash advance (MCA) to get some quick capital, thinking it would be a short-term solution. But now, you’re drowning in daily or weekly debits that are crippling your cash flow. Sound familiar? You’re not alone – many businesses fall into this vicious MCA debt trap.The problem is, MCAs are designed to be high-cost, high-risk products. Lenders advance you a lump sum in exchange for a slice of your future receivables, plus hefty fees. And if your sales dip, too bad – those automatic debits keep on coming, regardless of your ability to pay.So, what do you do when you can’t keep up? Well, you could default, but then the MCA company will likely come after your personal assets thanks to that personal guarantee you signed. Not ideal, right? Thankfully, there are ways to legally get out from under an oppressive MCA – without torpedoing your business.

Reconciliation: Using the MCA Contract to Your Advantage

Here’s the thing: most MCA agreements contain what’s called a “reconciliation clause.” This stipulates that if your receivables drop, the funder must adjust your payment amounts accordingly. After all, the whole premise of an MCA is that you’re selling a portion of your future income.So, if your sales plummet, you can invoke reconciliation to reset those debits to an affordable level based on your actual cash flow. Suddenly, that MCA doesn’t seem so burdensome, does it?Of course, it’s not always that simple. MCA companies are notorious for stonewalling on reconciliation requests. That’s where having an experienced MCA attorney in your corner becomes invaluable.A skilled lawyer knows all the tactics funders use to avoid reconciliation. More importantly, they understand the legal leverage you have – and they’re not afraid to play hardball through litigation if needed. With the right representation, you can compel the funder to reconcile on reasonable terms.

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Consolidating and Refinancing Your Way Out

Can’t get the reconciliation you need? Another option is refinancing or consolidating your MCAs into a longer-term loan product with better rates and terms.For example, you could take out a low-interest working capital loan and use the proceeds to pay off all your outstanding MCA balances. This consolidates those debits into a single, manageable monthly payment over several years.Alternatively, you might refinance the MCAs by taking out a new, lower-cost MCA with more sustainable payment terms. It’s a bit like renegotiating a mortgage to reduce your monthly burden.The key here is improving your cash flow situation. With those daily or weekly bleeds stopped, your business can start recovering. Just be careful about stacking more debt – make sure you can truly afford whatever new financing vehicle you choose.

Bankruptcy: A Last Resort, But Still an Option

In some severe cases, bankruptcy may be the only path to discharging oppressive MCA debt. This is absolutely a worst-case scenario, but it’s still preferable to letting an MCA company bleed you dry over years.The tricky part is, MCA agreements often have anti-bankruptcy provisions like confessions of judgment. These allow the funder to obtain a judgment against you without going to court, complicating your ability to discharge the debt.That’s why you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney if you’re considering this route. They can navigate these traps, protect your assets, and ensure your MCA debt gets discharged properly. It’s a complex process, but it may be your best option for hitting the reset button.

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Preventing Future MCA Pitfalls

Once you’ve resolved your existing MCA issues, it’s crucial to avoid falling back into the debt trap. That means being extremely cautious about any future alternative financing products.If you do opt for another MCA, read every word of the contract – and have a lawyer review it too. Understand the total payback amount, not just the advance. And never, ever sign a personal guarantee or confession of judgment. Those just give the funder too much power over you.Better yet, explore other funding options like lines of credit, SBA loans, or even invoice factoring. These tend to be more fairly priced with longer terms that won’t strangle your cash flow.The bottom line? MCAs can be useful tools in moderation, but they’re incredibly easy to abuse. If you’ve already gotten in over your head, act quickly to restructure or discharge that debt – before it sinks your business entirely.

A Final Word on MCA Debt Relief

Look, no one starts a business wanting to battle debt constantly. You had a vision, and you needed capital to make it happen. There’s no shame in using alternative financing like MCAs to pursue that dream.But when those products stop being a means to an end and become a burden threatening your livelihood? That’s where you have to draw the line. Don’t let an MCA funder bully you into bankruptcy because you can’t afford their unreasonable terms.Remember, you have rights and options – starting with reconciliation under the MCA contract itself. From there, consolidation loans, refinancing, and even bankruptcy can help you regain control. The key is taking action now, before that MCA debt spiral gets too far out of hand.And if you need assistance navigating this process, don’t go it alone. Experienced MCA attorneys know all the lender tactics and legal maneuvers involved. We speak their language, and we’re not afraid to play hardball to get you the relief you deserve.At the end of the day, your business is your livelihood. Protect it at all costs from those trying to squeeze you dry with oppressive MCA agreements. You’ve worked too hard to let some lender’s greed take that away from you.

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