You’re here because your business is drowning, in merchant cash advance debt. You can‘t sleep, at night – tossing and turning, worrying about those daily, debits. The phone rings, it‘s another MCA funder, calling to harass you – about missed payments.But, take a deep breath. You’ve come to the right place.At DelanceyStreet, we get it. We’ve seen it all, when it comes to the shady world, of merchant cash advances. Predatory lending, deceptive contracts, hidden fees – it makes our blood boil. These MCA companies don’t play fair. But neither do we.Our battle-tested attorneys, have one singular focus: obliterating your merchant cash advance debt. We’re not here to make friends, with these funders. We’re here to hit them, where it hurts – their bottom line.

The Harsh Reality No One Talks About

Let’s be blunt: merchant cash advances are the “wild west” of business financing. Barely regulated, with razor-sharp interest rates that make loan sharks look tame.You took the bait, because you were desperate for capital. The funder made it sound so simple: a cash advance, against your future receivables. Just a small “factor rate” to pay back.But then the debits started. Relentless, crippling, daily withdrawals from your bank account. 20%, 30%, sometimes over 40% of your hard-earned revenue – gone, in the blink of an eye.Before you knew it, you were trapped in a vicious cycle. Taking out new MCAs to pay off the old ones. Watching helplessly as your business crumbled under the weight of that debt load.Sound familiar? You’re not alone. We’ve heard horror stories that would make your skin crawl. Good people, good businesses – financially ruined by these predatory loans.

See also  Alabama MCA Defense Lawyers

We Don’t Just Talk the Talk – We Crush MCAs For a Living

Here’s the reality: you can’t just “walk away” from a merchant cash advance. These funders will pursue you to the ends of the earth. Lawsuits, judgments, frozen assets – they‘ll use every dirty trick in the book to bleed you dry.That’s where we come in. We‘re not your typical lawyers, spouting fancy jargon from an ivory tower. We‘re trench warriors, battling MCA companies day in, day out. We know their playbook, inside and out – because we literally wrote the book on merchant cash advance defense.Our strategies are precisely calculated, to dismantle the funder’s case. We comb through every line of that contract with a fine-tooth comb, exposing any whiff of fraud or deception. Unconscionable interest rates? Gotcha. Misrepresented terms? You bet. Illegal collections practices? We’ll bury them in court.And we don’t just play defense – we go on the offensive. Counterclaims, affirmative suits, class actions – you name it. When an MCA company steps out of line, we make them pay through the nose.

An Army of Attorneys, With a Personal Touch

But we‘re not just brilliant legal minds – we‘re people, first. We understand the gut-wrenching stress of drowning in debt. The sleepless nights, the strain on your family, the constant anxiety.That’s why every single client gets our full, personal attention. From day one, you‘ll be working directly with a dedicated attorney – a true partner, invested in your success. No getting shuffled off to some paralegal or case manager. This is the A-team, laser-focused on dismantling your merchant cash advance debt.We take a bespoke approach, carefully tailoring our strategy to your unique situation. After an in-depth review of your contracts and financials, we‘ll lay out all the options. Aggressive litigation, strategic settlement, or a calculated combination of both – we’ll pursue whatever path maximizes your leverage.And we‘ll fight tooth and nail, every step of the way. Motions, hearings, appeals – we never back down until we‘ve extracted the absolute best possible outcome. Whether that’s a drastically reduced payoff, or walking away scot-free – your victory is our singular mission.

See also  Alaska MCA Defense Lawyers

The Delancey Difference: Unparalleled Expertise, Uncompromising Passion

Still, reading this – you might be skeptical. There‘s a lot of tough talk out there, from lawyers promising the world. So what makes us different?It’s simple: we live and breathe merchant cash advance defense. This is our singular specialty, our laser-focused area of expertise. We quite literally wrote the book on this niche area of law.Our attorneys have decades of hard-won experience, battling the biggest MCA bullies on the block. We’ve litigated over 600 cases against funders like Yellowstone Capital, Everest Merchant Finance, Bizfi, and more. We‘ve studied their tactics, their contracts, their pressure points – inside and out.More importantly, we have a profound passion for defending the underdog. We‘ve witnessed firsthand the devastation that unscrupulous merchant cash advance companies can inflict. We’ve seen good, hard-working people have their dreams shattered by these predatory loans.And we’re just not having it. Not on our watch. Every single day, we wake up with a fierce determination to fight for the little guy. To take down the corporate Goliaths preying on small businesses. To protect the backbone of the American economy – entrepreneurs like you.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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